Do we Accept all Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Plans?
We are in-network with Excellus, and would be honored to be your Excellus Chiropractor ; we can accept private and public insurance plans under BCBS and Excellus. We make it easy to schedule. Now taking new Patients!
We would accept an index card with BCBS written in crayon if we could. Unfortunately every plan is different and your benefits may vary, we may be able to technically bill your insurance but that would only be applying to your deductible, and not saving your any money. Our new patient paperwork includes a spot for you to put your insurance information and once we have that we can check it for you.
Are we accepting new Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Patients?
Yes! We’re happy to welcome new Excellus BlueCross BlueShield patients to our practice. We’d be honored to be your Excellus BlueCross BlueShield chiropractor. What’s more, we make it very easy for you to schedule online, and want to make sure you’re comfortable in your appointment.
What are our Insurance Terms?
We try to keep it very simple. We aren’t going to pre-charge you for appointments you shouldn’t have to pay for, and if it turns out something went wrong with your insurance you won’t be liable for any balance or extra fees. It’s not your fault that the system is complicated, and we will do everything in our power to prevent you from being penalized for that. All we ask in return is that you extend us the same courtesy and grace.
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Comunity Plan (Medicaid, BCBS Option etc.)
While we can technically accept, and bill Excellus BlueCross BlueShield plans for Medicaid/Medicare, at this time these plans include no Chiropractic benefits.
We can still accept you as a cash-price patient.
Please feel free to fill out this form with any and all questions you may have about Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. We’ve provided an image upload in the case that you want to send us your Member ID card so we can check your insurance for you.